Monday, September 22, 2008

She's a Woman Now!

Campbell has started laying eggs!! She started on Friday and has laid an egg a day since. They are still kinda small - about the same size as small or medium eggs found in the grocery. But since she just started, I'm guessing she'll end up laying extra-large ones when she's fully developed. I think Lipton is more proud than Campbell. He crows and crows until I come out and see the egg. Then I take it away and he walks the fence complaining. No pleasing that guy! Campbell shows no signs of wanting to sit which is fine by me. I really don't need more chickens. Well, actually, more hens would be nice but since I have a 50/50 chance of getting more roosters, I'm not interested in hatching any! So, a nice half-dozen eggs per week! Perfect for baking or making the odd french toast or pancake breakfast. And since I know they are humane I feel fine about using them!!

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