Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4 is National Grammar Day!!!!!!

Do you adore clean, correct sentences? Do ungrammatical advertisements make you cringe? We understand completely, and this is why the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar and MSN Encarta have designated March 4 as National Grammar Day.

How can you participate?

Speak well! Write well! And on March 4, march forth and spread the word. We want people to think about language and how it can be used best.

Some of the members of SPOGG (Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar) are planning Good-Grammar Potlucks at their offices. What do you serve at good-grammar potlucks? High-fiber foods, of course. They're good for the colon.

So who is the celebrity with the worst grammar? In today's time it can be quite hard to decide. After all, it's not easy being in the public eye all the time, having your every move and statement recorded. You can't even leave the house wearing an extremely short skirt and no underwear without the darned paparazzi photographing your posterior for posterity.

Still, this is no excuse for bad grammar. Our task now is to decide which celebrity deserves to win the SPOGG Award for Most Appalling Celebrity Grammar. The contestants:

President George W. Bush
We're not the sort to kick a man when he's down (frankly, we're not fond of upright kicking, either). But President Bush really ought to know the plural of the word "child." After all, he's the father of twins.

While running for president, he asked, "Is our children learning?" Then, on Sept. 26, 2007, he proved that this wasn't a one-time fluke when he said, "Childrens do learn."

Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton produced a T-shirt that said, "THATS HOT," cheating the poor apostrophe from its rightful place on her bosom. What's more, she sent Lindsay Lohan a text message that said, "i chill with perez, but not enough for your name to get broughten up." Broughten? Is she the only text-messager who likes to lengthen words?

Courtney Love
It's perhaps unfair to judge Courtney Love by her grammar. It's not even English she's writing on her blog. And we quote:

have a beer with?
i would never votefor a presidenty based on the "person id most like to have a beer witH" Fox transparently obvious talking point. Its maddeningly sexist and mostly its DUMB.
Beer isnt even GOOD. i mean REALLY. "ahh ahm a gonna belly up to the sports bar and have a brewski y'all want one?"
i mean who has really had more than TEN beers in thier life on my blog?

It's entirely possible there are too many errors to correct.

So, post your comment and include your vote on who should win this year's award!

1 comment:

nutsalive said...

I just might have to go back to school to have you as a teacher. You're hilarious.

Sadly, I missed the memo on March 4th, but I would like to submit my vote for W. The president of the United States really should have more than an elementary grasp of the English language.

In addition to my vote, I would like to make a motion for 'Myself Awareness'. If we could teach just one person the proper use of 'myself', the world would be a better place.