Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Rant

You know what makes me mad? People who move into a neighborhood and immediately start crap! We have lived in the same house, with pretty much the same neighbors for 15 years. And, for the last 15 years we have all had outdoor cats. Really. With the exception of one or two houses we all have outdoor cats. We live on a cul-de-sac and the cats have all been safe - no disappearances or deaths. We all enjoy our "neighborhood" cats especially the kids. Recently we got what we thought was a nice young couple into the house next door. We were excited as the house had been vacant for a couple of years. Well, we're not excited any more! It turns out they don't like cats. And their solution? Not to talk to us. Not to shoo them off their property. But to TRAP them and SEND THEM TO THE POUND TO DIE! Really. I have pictures:

It turns out that it is legal in Riverside County to trap cats. The law is there to get feral cats trapped and into the shelters to be fixed, then released. But, you must post a sign saying you're trapping cats to warn your neighbors so you don't get pet cats in the traps (See any warning signs in the picture? Me neither). This law is misused by people like my neighbor. She is purposly trapping the neighborhood pets and telling animal control they are strays. Even with the kids telling the Officer that they were pets, she lied. Then she told them she was trapping them because she felt threatened by them. Cats. About 8 pounders. Woo. Scary.

So, yesterday, I spent 2-1/2 hours off of work getting my cat Punkin out of the pound. AND it cost me $52.00!!!!! All because they illegally trapped my PET cat! The people at the animal shelter HATE people like this. They were so happy I showd up to get my cat. The girl said that most people don't come looking because they assume their cat was killed, not picked up by animal control. There were over 100 cats in the Ramona Shelter Cattery. There isn't room in the shelters for pets trapped by evil animal haters! Hello! Shelters are OVERCROWDED and UNDERBUDGETED!

When I called animal control to report the illegal trapping, I actually had to read them the ordinance that requires the sign to be posted. ANIMAL CONTROL DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT THEIR OWN ORDINANCE! After I let them know it was illegal, they asked for her address. But they never came out.

What really gets me is that these neighbors have two dogs that continually get loose and run the neighborhood when their owners leave. I have gone after their dogs and shooed them back into their backyard at least 4 times so they don't get hurt or hurt someone (one dog actually bit one of our other neighbors when it was out - and he didn't call animal control on their dog!). Isn't that what it means to be a neighbor?

Okay, I feel a little better now. But I'd like to hear some of your ideas as to how I should deal with these "wonderful" new neighbors (rembering of course that I have to live next door to them...). What do you think? Am I in the wrong? Are they in the wrong?

Oh, and their address is: 28693 Auriga Court, Sun City, CA 92586. Just in case any of you would like to drop them a line...


Niki Crane said...

Oh good you got Punkin, I was afraid it would be too late. Stupid neighbors and stupid animal control. I mean really...they don't even know their own ordinances? How the heck did she get those cages?...I mean is this like a regular hobby for her. You should seriously tell her you'll call the cops if she doesn't post signs (but you better have a copy of the law 'cause I'm sure the cops don't know) and that you'll be calling animal control on her dogs next! Grrrr this lady makes me mad. Want me to come over and yell at her for you? I will!

Anonymous said...

And I thought I lived next the the CRAZY cat MAN. Wow you got me beat!!!!

nutsalive said...

I have several choice words for this person. I hate neighbors like this and I have NEVER heard of someone trapping cats out here.

I think I would retaliate by putting random things in the 'trap' stuffed animals, vegetables, PETA propaganda and flaming piles of...well...maybe not the last one. I wonder how she would react to my 18 pound tomcats. I bet they would be terrifying.

Unknown said...

This is horrible Laurie! I'm glad you were able to get your cat back, hopefully unharmed from the trap. I think the next time your neighbor's dogs get out and start roaming the street that you should call animal control and have them picked up. Good luck to you!