Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Meet Your Meat

C'mon, if you're gonna eat it you should know how it gets to your plate. And let me tell you, life on the farm isn't what it used to be. The green pastures and idyllic barnyard scenes portrayed in children's books have been replaced by windowless sheds, tiny crates, wire cages, and other confinement systems integral to what is now known as "factory farming."

Today the majority of farmed animals are:

~confined to the point that they can barely move,
~denied veterinary care,
~mutilated without painkillers,
~and finally slaughtered -- often while fully conscious.

Fortunately, each one of us has the power to help end this suffering by simply choosing to eat vegetarian.

A huge Thank You to for this enlightening information. It's not pretty. But, it is a choice each of us is able to make every single day of our lives.

These animals have no choice.


Acorn to Oak said...

OMG! I had no idea and could never have imagined it could be that bad! It is heartbreaking to see that...and I couldn't even watch most of it because it was soooo bad, but we listened to the whole thing and took quick much as we could stand. I can't believe humans can be this horrible!!! My heart breaks for the animals.

We've been partial vegetarians for a long time. We'll be going full time now. We just have to figure out how to get protein into our diet. It's time to get serious and research what we need to do to eat well without meat. My daughter and I hated seeing this but, thank you.

laurie said...

I am so excited for you! It's pretty easy to get protein; you guys'll figure it out quickly!

:) Laurie